Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Taking a Break

Okay, what's with "Anna Karenina"? I was supposed to read this for my book group. I could only get to page 80. One of my other group said she could only get to page 200. I definitely agree with the "rule" that if the book doesn't grab you by page 50, put it aside. Just like other people have said they don't like Hemingway or Updike (?), I don't get Tolstoy. I will admit that I read "War and Peace" when I was younger. I seemed to enjoy it then. Why can't I enjoy him now? Has my brain atropied? Is that why these new technologies are so "foreign" to me? Although I did go to Library School in my middle ages. Just give me the movie (which my book group will watch - Greta Garbo - sigh...)

1 comment:

Terzah said...

I liked "Anna" but it's been a while since I read it. I think we all move through phases where we're just not into certain kinds of things. I still can't get through Moby Dick, despite the fact that I know there are passages of great writing and my husband's enthusiasm for it. I think I'll have to try again in a few years.