Wednesday, October 22, 2008


When you first hear this word, you think what an odd word it is. What does it mean? Once you know the meaning (quick), it makes more sense. Right now our department (Reference) uses a wiki to disseminate information quickly to our group. (Of course, I have to remember to look at it. If you send out an email to look at the wiki, then it is double work for someone!) We all need to learn to look at the wiki at least once in our work day. We are in the process of updating a wiki for a subgroup of our group. Although would it make more sense, in a way, to add a page for that group to the main wiki, instead of making a whole new wiki? Using a wiki in a library for patrons - I can see some ways it would work. We can have a wiki to quickly add information about upcoming programs such as programs for that week - could add more info than what is normally on the website. Would it be possible to have a link from the website to the wiki saying, for example, "click here for this week's programs"? The calendar is on the website, but to change anything on it requires the webmaster and the scary html. I can also see the RA group using a wiki for patrons to comment about great books they have read. We would probably need a moderator for the posts but staff can take turns looking at it every day or so to see if objectionable content should be deleted. And I would think that wikis would be perfect for the teens in our library!

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